Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I have often wondered what OT and NT evidence there was for the contemporary practice and understanding of tithing. I found some. Deuteronomy 14:22-29. It's interesting to note, however, that this (at least this section) does not really translate into the practice of tithing as we understand it today. This tithe was a collection of a family's harvest and animal herds. It is a 10% collection, but the ten percent was not used to support the temple and pay the heating bills of the building. Rather this tithe was to be used for a party. This wasn't even the 10% that should be given to support the Levites. The Scripture says to not neglect or forget the Levites, but the food that was collected as a tithe was eaten at the temple as an act of worship so that the people would learn to revere the Lord. So imagine this, you have saved 10% of your income for an entire year and are going to spend it all on a party at church. Not only you, but everyone in the church would bring their 10%!!! Now that would be quite a party!!!
I particularly like the reference to those who sell their crop and bring the money to purchase food near the temple (because they are too far away from the temple). They are told they can buy whatever food they want including "wine and other fermented drink." That's right, this party was (at least in part) a keg party!!
So how do we get from this to tithing 10% of our income to support the church? That's a good question. Surely there is something to the giving the Levites a share in the food and fermented drink, since the Levites didn't have an inheritance or land for that matter to take care of themselves. But this portion would certainly be less than 10% of the total. Maybe the important thing to remember was that there was only one temple and one caste of priests for the entire country. There was not a diffused population of priests throughout every village and major city that had to be supported by a much smaller (proportionately) population.
I think though we shouldn't overlook the obvious conclusion: the importance of the party!
Look at the OT sacrificial system. All sacrifices were eaten by those offering it (i.e. a huge BBQ), Jesus' ministry began by providing alcohol to a wedding feast, and the consumation of all things at the last day will be at yet another party. I think it a Biblical mandate then to have frequent parties at church and incorporate them as an act of worship!! plus beer of course, it's Biblical after all.


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